Our generated worksheets and custom printables are intended to be printed using the Create PDF button within the Resource Toolbar. This toolbar is located on the right side of the screen. Complete the following steps to print a worksheet or custom printable you’ve generated:

  1. Customize the worksheet or card to your liking.
  2. Click the Create PDF button in the Resource Toolbar to generate a printable version of the worksheet.
  3. Download the worksheet to print from your device, or print using your browser's print function.

Using the Create PDF button in the Resource Toolbar will ensure that your worksheet or card prints properly. Using the browser’s print function prior to creating a PDF may result in your worksheet printing on more than one page, printing smaller than intended, printing the menu system, or printing a distorted or incorrectly sized image.

If you can’t see the Resource Toolbar, you may need to scroll to the right within your browser window.

Additionally, you must allow pop-ups from teach.starfall.com for the print function to work properly.