You can cancel your monthly subscription through Settings on your device or through the store from which you purchased your subscription. You must cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the end of the current period to avoid an additional monthly charge. See below for device-specific instructions.

App Store (iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac)

  • Open the Apple Settings app - The gear icon
  • Tap your name at the top of the screen, and then tap Subscriptions.
  • Select the App, and then click Cancel Subscription.

If you need a refund or would like help managing your App Store subscriptions, please contact Apple Support.

Google Play (Chromebook and Android)

  • Open the Google Play app, or sign in to
  • At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  • Tap Payments & subscriptions and then tap Subscriptions.
  • Select the App subscription.
  • Tap Cancel subscription.
  • Follow the instructions.

If you need a refund or would like help managing your Google Play subscriptions, please see the Subscriptions topic at Google Play Help.

If you are a subscriber and want to delete your Starfall subscriber account, follow the steps above to cancel your subscription first. Then click the "Delete my account" link on the Settings page in the Starfall app and follow the prompts.