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About Starfall
4 articles
What is Starfall?
What are your terms of service?
What is your privacy policy?
Contact Us
Latest Updates
2 articles
Grades 4 and 5 now available!
New website: launched for international audiences
Starfall Group Access
5 articles
What is Starfall Group Access?
How do I set up sign in credentials for my students?
Can I track students who log in with a Group ID?
Parents: Our school sent us a Group ID. How do I sign in?
How many Group IDs should I create?
Joining Starfall and Renewing Your Membership
14 articles
Help me choose a membership.
Will my membership automatically renew/charge my card again?
How do I renew my Starfall Membership?
I need an invoice/receipt.
Someone has already entered my Access Code.
I ordered a membership, but haven't received my Access Code.
I want to cancel my Starfall membership and get a refund.
Is my membership tax deductible?
View all articles in “Joining Starfall and Renewing Your Membership”
12 articles
How do I enable/disable Grades 4,5?
Does Starfall integrate with single sign-on (SSO) programs?
Distance learning & resources at home
Can I turn off certain sections of the website?
Can I use a Home Membership at school?
Can I use a Teacher, Classroom, or School Membership at home?
Can I use my membership on more than one computer?
How do I access Starfall on an Amazon Fire?
View all articles in “Using”
Ordering Starfall Educational Materials
9 articles
Do you accept currency from outside the U.S.?
Do you accept wire transfers?
Do you accept payment by mail/fax/phone?
Do you accept school purchase orders?
Does Starfall ship internationally?
How do I generate a price quote?
How much is shipping?
I need an invoice/receipt.
View all articles in “Ordering Starfall Educational Materials”
Using the Starfall Parent-Teacher Center
5 articles
How can I add my own words to generators or custom printables?
How do I change the font from Block to Manuscript (slant) in a customized worksheet?
How do I print a worksheet or custom printable?
How do I use the supplemental resources?
What resources are available in the Starfall Parent-Teacher Center?
Starfall Accessibility
1 article
Starfall's Commitment to Accessibility
Starfall In-App Subscriptions (Apple iOS & Android)
4 articles
What's the difference between a Starfall App Subscription and a Starfall Membership?
How do I cancel my monthly subscription?
How can I get a refund for my App Subscription?
Why can't I purchase a subscription?
Signing In to Your Starfall Membership
13 articles
Can my child/grandchild log in to Starfall at my home and at another immediate family member's home?
How do I sign out of Starfall?
How do I sign in to my account on a computer?
I forgot my administrator email address.
I forgot my password.
I have registered my Access Code, but now I can't sign in.
I need to change my administrator email.
I paid for a membership. Why do I still see grayed-out items?
View all articles in “Signing In to Your Starfall Membership”
Starfall Apps and Mobile Devices
6 articles
Do your apps require an internet connection?
How do I access Starfall on mobile devices?
I want a refund for an app I purchased from the Apple App Store.
My app will not play/load.
What apps do you offer for Android?
What apps do you offer for iPad, iPod, and iPhone?
Common Questions About Our Websites and Products
8 articles
Can Starfall be translated into languages other than English?
Does Starfall track or report student activity?
Is Starfall research based?
Is the Starfall Kindergarten Curriculum aligned with Common Core?
What is the reading level of your books?
Where can I download Starfall music?
How can I secure funding for a Starfall membership?
Does the Starfall app support MDM and managed app configurations?
Technical Specifications
3 articles
What are the technical specifications for using Starfall's website and mobile apps?
Device and browser support for desktop
Device and browser support for tablet and mobile phone
Technical Support
5 articles
What domains should be allow-listed for Starfall to run on my network?
How to determine your device and browser
My iPhone, iPad, or iPod has no sound.
Some activities do not have sound on Mac with Safari browser.
Menus and activities appear too large to display on my mobile screen.